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TEL: 0086-15998635781

Vulcanizing Equipment

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Column Type Plate Vulcanizing Machine



This machine is suitable for vulcanizing and molding rubber floor and other rubber parts.


1) Our plate vulcanizing press machine has 4-columns structure and frame structure, as a below pressing type(upwards), the heating plate opens by the self-weight of the hot plate, platform and plunger.

2) The plate size, piston stroke and total pressure can be adjusted according to customers, actual requirement, the machine can equip with manual-pull mold and automatic hydraulic-pull mold, which reduces labors, working strength and inconvenience.

3) This machine has three kinds of control method: manually, semi-auto and full auto.

4) Fast speed mould-closing, high production efficiency, low locking speed to protect mould.

5) Made of nodular cast iron, the oil cylinder of machine is improved in compressive strength and wear resistance.

6) Adopting tubular electric-heating component to heat up, the machine can reduce air pollution to keep workshop clean without boiler.

7) The rubber vulcanizing press is beautiful in shape, rational in structure, convenient in control, safe and credible as well.


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Address   :   No.409, Building 27-10, P5Area, Quanshui Street, Ganjingzi District, Dalian,Liaoning, China.

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