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Dispersion Kneader



The dispersion kneader is mainly used for plasticating & mixing of different kinds ofrubber or plastics compound.


1. The mixing chamber, rotor an float weight and other parts are all adopting jacketed structure for the availability of ingoing of media: steam, conducting oil and water for heating and cooling so as to suit the various requirements for the process of rubber mixing or plastics plasticating and to ensure the processed quality of materials good and stable.

2. The spiral angle and the working length of the wing of the rotors are designed intelligently and reasonably and they can make the materials obtaining an optimal kneading effect. The wins ridges and the end surfaces of the rotor are bead welded with the abrasion resistant sintered carbide and the laying surfaces of mixing chamber, rotor and pressing weight directly touching with the materials are all polished, ground and plated with head chromium and consequently the surfaces are smooth and bright as well as corrosion resistant.

3. The materials can be charged from the rear door (or the side) of the machine frame and turn forward the mixing chamber in 140° for discharging the materials and in doing so, it will be either convenient for the linkage of the first and second working procedure of the production flow or for the convenience of the observation an cleaning of the mixing chamber and rotor.

4. The turning mechanism adopts the enveloping worm pair (TOP) and it produces high driving coefficient of performance and high bearing strength and, in addition the discharging of materials with no shutdown can be carried out successfully so that it avoids the frequent starting up of the motor and consequently it prolongs the service life of it to a large extent.

5. The electric-control system adopts PLC device and it possesses of a perfect and reliable automatically-controlled monitoring and alarming function as well as the necessary interlocking protective function.



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